Upgrade ke Mendeley Institutional Edition

The Universitas Gadjah Mada has an institutional license to Mendeley and you are encouraged to use it.

Follow the link below to upgrade to Mendeley Institutional Edition:


By adding yourself to the Mendeley Institutional group, you will be able to enjoy the enhanced premium Mendeley features:

  • 5GB of personal storage space (rather than the standard 2GB)
  • 2 GB of group shared storage space (rather than the standard 100MB)
  • Group team plan of 5 members (rather than the standard 3 members)
  • Plus advanced features such as Mendeley Suggest

Further information on Mendeley can be found on the Library website: http://beta.lib.ugm.ac.id/ind/?page_id=333

The Library will be providing ongoing support and training – please contact us for further information. For enquiries contact: Arif Surachman (arifs@ugm.ac.id / arif@gadjahmada.edu)

Best wishes

Arif & the Mendeley Team

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